DA Arrears 2025: Govt’s Latest Decision In 18 Months Outstanding Payments

The latest pronouncement by the Indian government comes as an important one in respect of the long-awaited 18 months of Dearness Allowance (DA) arrears for central government employees. This issue has assumed giant proportions, starting with the freezing of DA hikes during the pandemic. Employees and pensioners waited for the resolution, which the government’s latest pronouncement could probably have granted.

The History Of The DA Arrears Matter

The government had put on hold the DA hike from January of 2020 to June of 2021 on account of restrictions imposed by the pandemic. This decision had devastating repercussions for millions of central government employees and pensioners, creating an enormous backlog of unpaid DA arrears. However, the DA hikes resumed in July 2021, while pending payments of the arrears for the frozen period became matters of endless demands from the unions of the employees.

Government Decision On DA Arrears

After a lot of discussion, the government has finally taken a position regarding the matter. Recently, it has been reported that there has been a decision to take a structured approach for the settlement of the arrears. In the absence of an official announcement of a full payment in one lump sum, sources have indicated that a package for partial relief or an installment-wise settlement could be thought of. The final notice is expected very soon, bringing much-needed clarity among employees and pensioners.

Impact On Central Government Employees

Pending DA arrears means that many employees have to grapple with huge financial burdens. For many retirees, especially, the burden is great, as their pensions are their foremost source of income. A phased payout by the government will, however, provide relief to lakhs of such families. Still, employee unions are raising their demands for the clearance of full dues because the cost of living is escalating and inflation is rising.

DA Rate And Future Expectations

As of 25, the DA rate of central government employees is revised according to the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission. The upcoming revision of the DA is anticipated soon, based on the CPI data. Outcomes regarding pending arrears may likewise, have a bearing on future revisions of DA and fitment structure.


The latest government decision concerning the 18-month DA arrears is a significant development for central government employees and pensioners. While waiting for an official announcement, this hope of partial structured payout provides a glimmer of hope. Employees and unions closely monitor these developments, urging the government to harmoniously consider their issues. As more information becomes available, ensuring justice for the affected employees remains a priority.

Also Read: 7th Pay Commission: Expected Dearness Allowance Hike For Central Employees

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